Monday, January 19, 2015

The Unpretentious Bolt review.

The Legacy That Is Tata,
A company that paved the path of industrialization in India. It attained superlative success in sectors such as steel, energy, automobiles, textiles and hospitality. Tata for me symbolizes, TRUST. After all they’ve been in the business for a close to 150years. In spite of being around for so long, it has never stopped reinventing itself. Under the new found leadership of Mr. Cyrus Pallonji Mistry, the company is rejuvenating existing businesses, entering new ones, attaining manufacturing breakthrough and expanding into foreign markets with vigor.

Keeping up with the companies momentum, Tata has reclaimed the automobile market with poise. With the new #HorizonNext philosophy, Tata Zest marked the beginning of a new chapter in the small car segment. The next debutant in this line up is the Tata Bolt. The Tata Zest had all the critiques stand up and take notice and the Bolt surely takes this one step ahead. I was fortunate enough to be part of an entourage of bloggers who got to experience the Zest first hand at its Goa launch. With the new Tata Bolt I decided to continue this affair.

I prefer driving, rather than being driven. It’s my high in life. But I have a little confession, as much as I love cars, I have zero technical knowledge about its mechanics. All that car jargon is just gibberish to me. Every time I  sit down to watch an Auto Show and when words like engine suspension , BHP, torque, etc. surface I can’t help but hear crickets’.

If only they could review cars in generic English. In a language that makes it easy to comprehend for a non engineer or for someone who doesn’t subscribe to Auto car or Top Gear. Am sure my dad is like that, so are my neighbors and so is my very rich but very uneducated maternal uncle. So when I was asked to review the Tata Bolt, I knew it had to keep it simple, so that potential buyers could make sense of the mechanics of the car and can make a informed decision.

Over the weekend I checkout the car in the Bolt Arena at a mall nearby. But since I wanted to give you a 360degree review on the car, I stalked the nearest dealer and test drove it along with my other car geek friends. I might not be able to point out the parts under the hood, but when am on the wheel, I have a great understanding of its pulse. Here is an true account of my drive and what I make of the Bolt:

Disclaimer: This video is made by amateur with very few resources at our disposal, I hope you can appreciate the thought behind the video and not pick on its shortcomings.

Ready to Get.Set.Bolt?
A few links to get you started :

Expert reviews :

A comprehensive comparison with:

 This post is a part of the Get. Set. Bolt. activity at BlogAdda.”

To The Inconsiderate 2/3 Men Of India #ShareTheLoad

If your man happily helps you around the house, cooks and cleans without being nagged for, I suggest you drop whatever you are doing right now and give him a big bare hug. But if you, like me, fall in the unfortunate 2/3 bracket of women living with men who look clueless when it comes to dishes, I suggest you read on…

They say today’s women indulge in a constant struggle to attain the title of Equals. But who every coined that concept had seriously undermined efforts a woman puts in to have their house and career running like a well oiled Ferrari. 
Behave like a man in the boardroom and clean up like a maid at home, you need to execute both rolls flawlessly. Does that sound near equal to you Mr. Husband?? That’s right, look up from your tablet and answer, while I toss your dirty socks wondering if you ran a marathon in them *puts on a gas mask and gets to business*.

Ariel, a coveted laundry detergent brand from PnG and Nielsen India ran a little survey in over 5 cities to decode the laundry trends of typical Indian household. The findings put a final nail in the fact that there is a giant rift of rolls between a man and a woman around the house.

Revelations made by the survey:

We cook breakfast, delegate the house help, send the kids away to school, sort the delicate and the colors, while we run a pot of coffee and toss an omelet. Back to the laundry room repeat the rinse cycle, freak out looking at the clock cause we are sure to miss my 8.30 local. We pull off a perfect wingtip and eat breakfast at the same time, while you come in with the curious case of the missing sock!!

We come back home, we fix dinner while you hear a constipated reporter rant like a 5yr old and call it a debate. We review home work, while you indulge in the ever so important task of sending useless forwards over Whatapp. We tackle booger monsters in the closet, while you happily snore away cause you’ve had a “long and tiring” day.  We hit the bed, in a hope to catch a little shut eye, that's when the thought of the laundry lying in the dryer comes back to haunt us. Unwilling we muster up every ounce of energy and get to the daunting task of origami. 

We do more, more than humanly possible. But the only difference is that we don’t magnify our roles. You can’t survive a day without us and you know it.  Little help around the house without being nagged for would be appreciated. 
We love you with all our might but would appreciate an extra pair of hands to #ShareTheLoad.

Need to #KillTheStereotype,
Hey ARIEL, how about a TVC where we get the men to do the laundry may be that might inspire them… and to all you future mother-in-law’s out there how about a little boot camp majoring in house chores…. AFTER ALL IS LAUNDRY ONLY A WOMEN’S JOB???

I am writing for #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob activity at in association with Ariel.