Monday, January 19, 2015

To The Inconsiderate 2/3 Men Of India #ShareTheLoad

If your man happily helps you around the house, cooks and cleans without being nagged for, I suggest you drop whatever you are doing right now and give him a big bare hug. But if you, like me, fall in the unfortunate 2/3 bracket of women living with men who look clueless when it comes to dishes, I suggest you read on…

They say today’s women indulge in a constant struggle to attain the title of Equals. But who every coined that concept had seriously undermined efforts a woman puts in to have their house and career running like a well oiled Ferrari. 
Behave like a man in the boardroom and clean up like a maid at home, you need to execute both rolls flawlessly. Does that sound near equal to you Mr. Husband?? That’s right, look up from your tablet and answer, while I toss your dirty socks wondering if you ran a marathon in them *puts on a gas mask and gets to business*.

Ariel, a coveted laundry detergent brand from PnG and Nielsen India ran a little survey in over 5 cities to decode the laundry trends of typical Indian household. The findings put a final nail in the fact that there is a giant rift of rolls between a man and a woman around the house.

Revelations made by the survey:

We cook breakfast, delegate the house help, send the kids away to school, sort the delicate and the colors, while we run a pot of coffee and toss an omelet. Back to the laundry room repeat the rinse cycle, freak out looking at the clock cause we are sure to miss my 8.30 local. We pull off a perfect wingtip and eat breakfast at the same time, while you come in with the curious case of the missing sock!!

We come back home, we fix dinner while you hear a constipated reporter rant like a 5yr old and call it a debate. We review home work, while you indulge in the ever so important task of sending useless forwards over Whatapp. We tackle booger monsters in the closet, while you happily snore away cause you’ve had a “long and tiring” day.  We hit the bed, in a hope to catch a little shut eye, that's when the thought of the laundry lying in the dryer comes back to haunt us. Unwilling we muster up every ounce of energy and get to the daunting task of origami. 

We do more, more than humanly possible. But the only difference is that we don’t magnify our roles. You can’t survive a day without us and you know it.  Little help around the house without being nagged for would be appreciated. 
We love you with all our might but would appreciate an extra pair of hands to #ShareTheLoad.

Need to #KillTheStereotype,
Hey ARIEL, how about a TVC where we get the men to do the laundry may be that might inspire them… and to all you future mother-in-law’s out there how about a little boot camp majoring in house chores…. AFTER ALL IS LAUNDRY ONLY A WOMEN’S JOB???

I am writing for #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob activity at in association with Ariel.


Unknown said...

Gosh your picture up there was hilarious, was it mad especially for this prompt?
I hate it when at the end of the day i come back to undone laundry....
pinning it to my husband, hopefully he gets the hint...

disha said...

thanks priya!
the picture was from my archives of crazy party picture. But it aptly speaks my mind..

Partha said...

Do you clean laundry by your hand or have a maid or a machine to do the same? Why is this such a big issue. I am single and I do all my work, myself. I take help of a machine and I am sure you too do that. So why is this fuss about laundry. remember these campaigns are created for business purpose. By creating division in our families these brands are making money.

disha said...

Hi Partha,
You have a fab point, I don’t do my laundry, my machine dose it for me. But I cant comprehend that you would bring this up since you do your laundry yourself and should know what a big task it is.
Let me enlighten you on this topic… laundry is just not about pressing buttons. Firstly I need to gather them , sort them, check pockets for forgotten treasures and look for hard stains that need soaking (think brown P.E uniform that was originally white.) Once sorted and washed and dried, there is an endless task of folding or ironing. But hey why am I telling you all this, since you clearly have a machine to do all of the above…
“By creating division in our families these brands are making money.” I am speechless at your parting words. Literally I tried to look for a great come back but I don’t think it want to exert an energy on that though.

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