A 4am message to my friend… Am dying, it reads. Can’t take it
anymore, hate my life. Nothing ever seems right. Hate it that you are so far
Gosh I can’t sleep, I want a cupcake. May be I need to pee, or
maybe I can hold it back. After a constant struggle between me and my bladder
for fifteen minutes the score is, bathroom-1, me- 0. Why do I even bother…
Am turning into a crazy insomniac… need to avoid coffee.
Back to texting… more sobs; I don’t know what’s bothering me. A’my
equally demented friend replies…
A’: Disha I love you sweet heart, today and forever…
Me: Even when am old and wrinkly, on an adult diaper and wheel an
oxygen tank where ever I go?
A’: Off course, even in an ICU
Me: Come to think of it you’d be in a bed next to me in a five
star retirement home.
As a comeback, she sent me and image that wasn't appropriate for
this blog…
While my husband happily snored away, our bizarre little
conversation had me cracked up. I forgot all about my hormonal depression. I
was happy I had her…
Then next morning, the timing couldn't have been perfect. A prompt
from Coke arrive asking me to jot down things that make me happy. I need that
introspection to keep a check on my emotionally torn self. And man this list
To me happiness is….
#A perfect pani
puri… I am a chat girl. It’s my comfort food. The perfect balance of flavours
that can never be achieved by a pretentious bowl of pasta.
#A kiss on the forehead. Don’t get me wrong, French is also good,
but a kiss on the forehead tells me that I am his princess.
#A chocking hug from my 5yr old munchkin when I pick from school. The
best feeling in the world.
#A decedent slice of warm, well made chocolate cake. With a Scoop
o French vanilla on the side. What makes it more awesome if I have this whole
dessert to myself .I don’t call my blog ‘I don’t share desserts’ nothing…
#A good steal, be it a good pair of boots with a tongue wagging
70% off or a pizza with a buy one get one offer. A good deal never fails to
excite me..
#A rom-com, a bowl of caramel popcorn, with my favourite pajamas
on. This beats a night at the club hands down.
#A stay at moms, where the entire afternoon is spent lying down in
her lap and catching up on the family gossip. Not the mention the yummy food
she stuffs you with.
#A good hair day. It can instantly transform my mood from grumpy
to gorgeous in a flick.
But nothing beats the feeling I get when my kid runs up to me
every once in a while, announcing that am the best mum in the world…
Am happy I made this list, certainly helps my put my priorities in
order. It only proves that I don’t need Prada’s to keep my happy, little joys
are just enough to get through those rough patches.
I went from man, my life is a wreck, to gee am blessed, in one blog
All things Happy...
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